Which anti-cellulite massage?

Quel massage anti-cellulite
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Massage is a popular alternative or complementary therapy for the treatment of cellulite. However, little scientific data supports this practice and some evidence even refutes it.

So what is it? Here we review the scientific data available on massage and its effectiveness in the fight against cellulite.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite consists of pockets of fat just below the surface of the skin that push through the connective tissue fibers that anchor the skin to muscles or bones. These pockets create an uneven texture above the muscles because they are only attached by a thin layer of fabric. Although cellulite mainly affects women (90 to 98% of cases), men can also be affected.

What is an anti-cellulite massage?

THE anti-cellulite massage is a massage therapy technique or/and a massage which gives a sort of aesthetic to your skin. It corrects the majority of imperfections on the surface of your skin. This then allows you to have smoother, more toned and radiant skin. In fact, it is a massage which aims to reduce the level of cells containing fat under the skin tissues.

Thanks to this massage, the fatty tissues in your body are dissolved. This dissolution of adipose tissue allows you to avoid the formation of cellulite on the surface of your skin. In addition, you will no longer have any problem for a total elimination of thicknesses, bulges on your body as well as skin abnormalities.

How to massage to fight cellulite?

For choose the right anti-cellulite massage, certain important criteria must be taken into account. The fundamental criterion of choice is the benefit provided by the type of anti-cellulite massage you are doing. Indeed, there is the manual anti-cellulite massage that you can perform yourself. To start, you apply an anti-cellulite product to your skin.

Then, you gently massage the area of ​​your body that you want to make more aesthetic. There is also another way to do it which involves pinching your body with your thumb and fingers. You can also adopt mechanical anti-cellulite massage which is done with massage devices.

These devices have the advantages of being tireless and allow you to produce movements at a regular and constant pace on your body. You can vary the intensity of the movements as you wish. Some of these devices have infrared beams which are effective in eliminating subcutaneous fat. However, it is good to opt for a manual anti-cellulite massage, it is more effective.

Originally posted 2021-11-26 15:29:28 .