Massage: how to remove a knot?

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Have you heard of muscle or nerve knots? You perhaps have one or more and you would like to relieve them with massage? But how to massage to get rid of a knot? So many questions that we will try to answer in this article!

What is a knot in the massage world?

Muscle knot, or swollen area in a muscle where the fibers of a muscle end and begin to be intertwined. This is an area where the muscular structure is very dense, surrounded by other particularly shortened muscle fibers.

As simple as that! These knots are also known as trigger points. In medicine, these points are called “symptoms of a syndrome.” This is something different from a tumor or injury, which is an area of ​​inflammation.

A muscle knot feels like a hard, painful spot in the muscle. When you press on it, you feel a sort of rasping or sharp pain. Under normal circumstances, these points are not painful, but it is often very difficult to stretch the muscle.

Symptoms of a muscle knot!

A knot can cause pain in two ways: directly, by pressing on it, or indirectly, by triggering referred pain. It is important to understand how to massage to eliminate a knot, because these pains are caused by other muscles. Sometimes a muscle knot can be small and tight, but it can also be the size of a golf ball! This is called a trigger point.

The most common places where these knots or trigger points appear are the shoulders, lower back, and neck muscles. You should know that all the problems and pains that arise from it will not disappear immediately with simple home care. The only solution is a deep massage performed by a person trained in this art.

Why do we have muscle knots?

Often, we simply forget about our bodies, we eat too much junk food and we do little or nothing. We’re excited when one day we discover exercise, but after a while of not exercising, we start to feel bad about ourselves! And sometimes you’re just suffering from stress!

Stress, fatigue and overtraining can create or increase knots. If you have it, try to relax more often by meditating or doing ten minutes of deep breathing. Remember that tension is the main cause of knots.

Tips for getting rid of a knot in the back

A muscle knot can be felt deep in the body – sometimes it is very difficult to find. They are often hidden under other muscles. For this reason, if you want to find them yourself, it is best to do so with the help of someone who knows what they are doing. A bad experience could end up causing more pain than before! This is why many masseurs practice on mannequins or cadavers before working on humans.

Tips for removing a knot in the chest or shoulder!

If you find that your nodes are located in these areas, try to relax even more. Take long walks outside, return to yoga, and don’t forget to stretch. If you want to eliminate knots muscles through massage, remember that this is only possible if the muscles are described as relaxed (for example, when you stand up). You should also take anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen!

Massage: how to remove a knot?

To remove a knot… NO STRESS!

Removing a knot can be very difficult. It doesn’t matter if it hurts – never go the extra mile! We don’t all have that muscle memory that lets us know where all our knots are. Relaxation is the main thing to keep in mind when performing a massage.

Don’t cross your arms, fidget, or touch constantly. Do everything as gently as possible and stay relaxed. For a simple massage of a knot, try standing up and tensing the muscle for 20 seconds a few times before massaging it! It is very important to be relaxed, but still think about the actual tension of the knot. If you’re going to stretch it immediately after finding it, make sure you can see your stomach muscles contracting – this means they’re fully stretched. Also, if the knot is very painful, be careful not to make any sudden movements until you feel better. It is best to avoid them! Sometimes the pain gets worse if you stretch something too quickly, or if you rub too hard.

Don’t hold your breath, as this could make the pain worse! Massage in small circular motions, starting with very light pressure and gradually increasing the intensity until the knot and pain disappear. Remember not to cross your arm when massaging – always use both hands. Furthermore, you should never hurt yourself or force anything while doing it. You should feel some muscle twitching while following these procedures. If there are no contractions, that means the knot is still there. It’s almost impossible to describe how the knots should feel…

Conclusion & Opinion

Muscle knots can be very unpleasant and difficult to treat. However, with the help of a professional massage therapist, you can eliminate them effectively. It is also important to note that preventive measures such as exercise, a balanced diet and correct posture can help reduce their occurrence. If you often experience muscle knots, do not hesitate to consult a professional massage therapist to get effective relief.

And have you ever had a muscle knot?

Originally posted 2021-11-28 15:49:29 .