If you have pain in your arms, whether after a day of work, or at another time of the day, know that massages of this part of the body are possible. Done well, they can relieve certain ailments, but also help you relax, etc. In this article we explain to you why you should massage your arms, and how to do it!
Why massage your arms?
THE arm massage is a massage that helps release tension by providing a feeling of well-being and lightness. This massage contributes to increasing the flexibility of the body, improving transit, temporarily removing tension. THE arm massage helps relieve stress and reduces sleep disorders. It delays the signs of skin aging and restores firmness and elasticity to the skin. It is also a way of relaxation.
How to massage the arms?
When the muscle tension and the pain in your arm become your daily life, massage is the best solution. It is practiced on a table to relax. You will lie on your back for the duration of the massage. There are several ways to do this massage. For the arms, it often involves making a active kneading of the triceps area as well as wide pinches on this area. When you perform this gesture, it gives you a lot of good.
Generally to make a massage, you need the help of a masseur. To do this, it exerts pressure on different parts of your arm in order to undo the knots and reduce pain. To perform a good massage, the specialist generally uses products to increase the effectiveness of the massage. Some massage oils also help care for the skin and give your arm a better scent. However, note that you also have the possibility of making a self massage of your arms. Some devices have been designed to make it easier for you to massage and offer you better sensations. We also distinguish:
- The BEURER MG 80
- The BEURER MG 70
- The 1 PC Jade stone
- The arm massage CUSHION
- The 3D crystal resin
- The Comfier Masseur
- MD Cells…
For optimal efficiency, it is important to be massage the arms twice a day: morning and evening.
Video: Learn to do an Arm Self-Massage
In order to massage your arms alone at home, or understand the advantages of this type of massage but especially how they take place, we present to you a short video. In this one you you will then learn the benefits of massage of the arm and how to do it!
The best time for an arm massage
The ideal time to massage your arms depends on why you want to benefit from it. If you have muscle pain, the ideal is to massage your arms after a workout or a tough day at work. If you just want to relax and reduce stress, you can massage your arms before bed or during a break during the day.
The benefits and virtues of this type of massage
Massaging the arms can help relieve muscle pain, reduce stress, improve blood circulation and increase joint flexibility. Massage can also relieve symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. In addition to these physical benefits, massage can also help improve mood, reduce anxiety and promote sleep.
The different points and techniques
When performing an arm massage, there are several key points you can target to maximize the benefits. The pressure point is on the inside of the elbow, between the tendons. The area between the thumb and index finger is also an important point to massage. You can also gently massage your upper arms and shoulders to relieve tension. When it comes to massage techniques, it is possible to use circular movements, kneading movements, tapping and stretching.
Massage the arms: With or without a device?
It’s best to massage your arms by hand when you have the time and patience to do it properly. However, if you prefer something more practical, you can use several types of arm massage devices. Massage devices include handheld manual massagers, massage rollers, and pneumatic compression machines.
Conclusion & Opinion
Arm massage is an excellent therapy for relieving pain and reducing stress. By following the proper tips and techniques, you can easily enjoy the many benefits of arm massage. Whether it is a traditional manual massage or a massage device, the end result will be a feeling of total relaxation. So why not try arm massage for yourself and discover all the benefits it can bring to your life?
And you, do you do arm massages? Who and how do you have your arms massaged?
Originally posted 2021-06-11 07:18:12 .