There are many benefits to massaging your baby. For example, it helps create bonds between parent and baby; it also helps with muscle relaxation and, more importantly, growth development. The benefits of baby massage have only recently been discovered over the past three decades in the West. In Asia and Africa, baby massages have been practiced for centuries. In the UK, baby massages can be carried out in hospitals, nurseries or in special clinics which operate under the National Health Service.
Why massage a young child?
Massage is another way to communicate with a baby. The parent or caregiver will have more confidence in caring for and caring for the child because of the massages you give them.
Baby massage also helps the parent and caregiver better understand the child’s likes and dislikes. For example, some babies don’t like being tickled or are unaffected, but some really love it. Massaging your baby will also help you establish a stable and positive relationship with you and your baby.
Massaging babies also helps strengthen their joints, ligaments and muscles. Massage also helps fight common illnesses that appear in the first years of a baby’s life. Additionally, countless studies have been conducted on baby massage and how it affects the baby’s life when he or she is older. They found that babies who had more physical contact (massaged, held, gently handled, breastfed, played, etc.) showed more compassion, empathy and cooperated more with others when they reached their adulthood.
Benefits of massaging a baby for the parent
As we mentioned earlier, massaging a baby has many benefits for the baby, but it also has many benefits for the parent. For the mother, massaging the baby increases prolactin levels. Prolactin is a hormone that helps produce breast milk. It is also called the maternal hormone. Massaging a baby can make you fall in love with them.
Be sure to keep an eye on your baby’s body language. Babies, especially younger ones, can’t tell you if they feel comfortable or uncomfortable. When massaging your baby, watch how he reacts to the way you touch or apply pressure.
If they look relaxed, calm, or even happy, continue massaging as you are, but if they look like they are in pain or uncomfortable, go more gently with it. your massage. It will also help you develop key parenting skills (reading your children’s body language and understanding what it means).
Finally, massaging a baby also helps as a stress reliever for the parent. Studies have been conducted on parents who frequently massage their babies and have come to the conclusion that it reduced their stress levels. Plus, after a long day at work, coming home and massaging your baby can really help reduce your stress. Not only does this reduce your stress, but it also helps you reconnect with your baby. To the baby, you are one of the most important people in their life (mother/father), and when you go out, your baby will probably notice that you are gone and start missing you.
Benefits of massage for the baby
Research shows that animals (dogs, cats, etc.) who are petted or touched more appear to be more alert, good-natured, have brighter eyes, and have a healthier weight than animals who are not. As we’ve already mentioned, massaging a baby can make them more empathetic and kind when they reach adulthood.
Massaging a baby can help improve their nervous system and boost their immune system so they can fight off illnesses and conditions. Babies who are massaged frequently are also reported to be more alert when awake and more playful and friendly. They also tend to be more talkative if they are massaged a lot and more willing to accept and give hugs or cuddles as they age.
Inevitably, babies will be upset and angry at times; However, baby massage can really help them get rid of their negative emotions. It can also help develop a positive self-image for the baby.
Baby massage also helps with digestive problems and relieves colic. Additionally, if your baby is teething, or any other painful growing process, massage can really help them forget about the pain.
Massaging a baby can also have positive effects on their growth. Joints will become more flexible and muscles will be toned when a baby is massaged frequently. It also helps develop the baby’s physical self-awareness.
On a social level, the baby’s massage will teach him a primitive form of communication. Massage also helps to improve the relationship between the massager and the baby, as well as to strengthen the baby’s sociability and self-esteem. A study from the University of Miami School of Medicine shows that babies who were massaged frequently weighed more than massaged babies (they both ate the same number of calories).
Baby massages have been established in many special care nurseries because of the benefits and because premature babies who are frequently massaged by nurses tend to stay in the hospital for less time than premature babies who are not massaged. . If you don’t have access to a nursery, you can learn how to massage a baby in future articles, so stay tuned.
Originally posted 2019-08-27 14:56:50 .