THE Solar plexus is a nerve center located in the abdomen, at the level of the stomach, connected to the diaphragm and directly linked to our nervous system. It plays a central role in managing our emotions and regulating our stress. Pain at this level can indicate an imbalance in our body, signaling a build-up of tension. Solar plexus massage, practiced with attention and using essential oils, can help relieve these tensions and restore balance. So why massage the solar plexus and how to do it correctly?
Understanding the solar plexus
To understand the importance of solar plexus massage, we must first understand what the solar plexus is and its role in our body. At the crossroads between several nervous systems, this center is located at the height of the stomach, a few centimeters above the navel, where emotions and stress are concentrated. When it is disturbed, it can manifest as pain in the rib cage, around the sternum, and radiate down the spine.
Her name, solar plexus, refers to its role as the center of energy distribution in the body, just as the sun distributes energy in our solar system. It is also associated with heart chakra, center of emotions and love.
Solar plexus massage to manage stress
The solar plexus is often compared to a watch, with its hands pointing to areas of the body that need to be stimulated or soothed. When stress accumulates, the hands of this watch can go out of adjustment, creating an imbalance in the body which manifests itself in different symptoms: abdominal pain, digestive problems, feelings of heaviness in the stomach, palpitations, etc.
Solar plexus massage is a simple and effective technique to help restore balance and relieve stress. It is a gentle massage, generally practiced with a few drops ofLavender essential oil or chamomile, known for their relaxing properties. The person being massaged usually lies on their back, and the masseur or osteopath makes gentle, clockwise circular movements around the solar plexus area.
The role of breathing and the diaphragm in solar plexus massage
The importance of the breathing in solar plexus massage should not be neglected. The solar plexus is directly connected to the diaphragm, the main muscle of breathing. When we are stressed, our breathing often becomes shallow and rapid, which can reinforce the buildup of tension in the solar plexus.
During the massage, it is therefore recommended to focus your attention on your breathing, and to practice deep, calm breathing. Deep inhalation helps relax the diaphragm and stretch the solar plexus area, making it easier to massage and release tension.
Likewise, the massage of diaphragm can be a beneficial complement to solar plexus massage. Indeed, a tense or contracted diaphragm can contribute to tension in the solar plexus.
Conclusion: Massaging the solar plexus, a key to well-being
In short, solar plexus massage is a simple and effective technique for managing stress and relieving accumulated tension. It allows us to refocus our energies, release our emotions and find inner balance. Both delicate and powerful, this massage can be practiced on your own or with the help of a professional. It is part of the tools of the Reflexology plantar and can be supplemented by other relaxation and well-being techniques.
So don’t wait any longer to discover the Benefits of massage of the solar plexus. Take care of yourself and your health, because as the saying goes: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”.
Originally posted 2023-08-31 10:22:19 .