What point to massage to fall asleep?

Quel point masser pour s’endormir ?
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On this day of August 31, 2024, you may be consulting your daily horoscope before starting your day. But what about adding another practice to your daily routine? A practice that could improve the quality of your sleep, reduce your stress and even bring some relief to your sleeping troubles ? We are talking here about acupressure, an ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine. Today we will show you what point to massage to fall asleep.

Acupressure: a traditional remedy for sleep

Before we dive into the specific techniques, we first need to understand what acupressure is. Close to acupuncture, it is based on the stimulation of acupressure points to regulate the body’s energy. Unlike acupuncture, it does not useneedles, but a slight pressure applied by fingers or circular movements of a massage. It is renowned for its beneficial effects on various aspects of the health, including sleep.

How to massage acupressure points to promote sleep?

Now that we’ve covered the basics of acupressure, let’s get down to business. What is the acupressure point to massage to fall asleep ?

The wrist point to fight insomnia

The first acupressure point we recommend to improve your sleep is located on your wrist. Known as Heart Point 7 in the traditional Chinese medicine, it is often associated with the reduction of stress and anxiety, two factors often linked to sleeping troubles.

To massage this point, find the crease of your wrist and slide your finger about an inch upwards, toward your forearm. Apply gentle, steady pressure for a few minutes, or massage in circular movements.

The flower field point for a peaceful night

The second acupressure point, called the “field of flowers” ​​point, is located at the feet. You’ll find it about a third of the way from the bottom of your foot, slightly to the side. This point is often associated with deep relaxation and tranquility.

To massage it, use your thumb to apply firm pressure for a few minutes, or use circular motions, like rolling a small marble under your foot.

A sleep ritual to integrate into your daily life

Adding these acupressure techniques to your daily routine can make a real difference in your sleep. Try practicing them every evening before bed, taking time to relax and concentrate on each point.

If you want to enhance the effects of acupressure, you can also use essential oils relaxing, such as lavender or chamomile. Simply apply a few drops to your wrists or the back of your neck before starting your acupressure session.

As you will have understood, acupressure is a simple and effective way to improve your sleep. By learning to massage the right points, you can reduce your stress, relieve your sleep problems and fall asleep more easily. So why not try it tonight? Maybe the results will surprise you. After all, who wouldn’t like a good night’s sleep? Good night everyone!

Originally posted 2023-08-31 06:06:20 .